CWindowDestroyEvent Class
class CWindowDestroyEvent: public CWinEventBase
This class encapsulates a Windows size event. The LONG parameter of the Windows message contains the width and height specified by the size event.Defined in: WindowEvents.h
Class Members
inline CWindowDestroyEvent(const WPARAM wParam = 0, const LPARAM lParam = 0L)
Construct a size event from a message ID, WPARAM, and LPARAM.
ULONG m_ulRefCount
Reference count.
inline virtual bool QueryGuid(REFGUID guid, void **ppvObj)
Retrieve a pointer to an interface supported by this object.
Add a reference to this object.
inline virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release()
Release a reference to this object.
inline virtual bool Dispatch(IQueryGuid* pIListener)
Dispatches the event to the given event listener.
inline virtual UINT GetMessageID() const
Return the message ID.
inline virtual WPARAM GetWParam() const
Return the WORD parameter.
inline virtual void SetWParam(const WPARAM wParam)
Set the WORD parameter.
inline virtual LPARAM GetLParam() const
Return the LONG parameter.
inline virtual void SetLParam(const LPARAM lParam)
Set the LONG parameter.
inline virtual LRESULT GetLResult() const
Return the message result.
inline virtual void SetLResult(const LRESULT lResult)
Set the message result.