CUIUpdateToolbar Class

class CUIUpdateToolbar

This class implements the IUIUpdateTarget interface for tool bars.

CUIUpdateToolbar includes the following member functions  CUIUpdateToolbar,  SetText,  Enable,  SetRadio, and  SetCheck,

Defined in: UIUpdate.h

Class Members

CUIUpdateToolbar(CToolBar* pToolBar)

Constructor attaches a toolbar to the toolbar menu updating item

operator CToolBar*()

Get the toolbar

CToolBar* GetToolBar()

Get the toolbar

virtual void  SetText(const UINT nCommandID, LPCTSTR lpstr)

Set the text for a toolbar button. Does nothing with toolbars

virtual void  Enable(const UINT nCommandID, bool bEnable = true)

Enable or disable a toolbar button

virtual void  SetRadio(const UINT nCommandID, bool bSetRadio = true)

Set the toolbar button as a radio button

virtual void  SetCheck(const UINT nCommandID, int nState = 1)

Press or unpress the toolbar button.