CMvcComponent Class
class CMvcComponent: public IQueryGuid, public IRefCount
This class combines a model, viewport, and controller into a single object. It takes the type of model, viewport, and controller as template parameters and aggregates the three objects into a single object. This is very useful for for creating MVC-based components. NOTE: The QueryGuid function queries all three objects, so an MVC component can be cast to any interface supported by either the model, viewport, or controller.Defined in: MvcComponent.h
Class Template Arguments
Type of model
Type of viewport
Type of controller
Class Members
CMvcComponent() : m_pMdl(NULL), m_pVp(NULL), m_pCtlr(NULL) (NULL)
Construct an MVC component object.
ULONG m_ulRefCount
Reference count
ModelClass* m_pMdl
Pointer to model object
ViewportClass* m_pVp
Pointer to viewport object
ControllerClass* m_pCtlr
Pointer to controller object
virtual bool Create(HWND hWndParent, LPRECT rc)
Creates the viewport given a parent window and a rectangle.
void SetViewport(ViewportClass* pViewport)
Assign the viewport object to the component.
virtual void SetController(ControllerClass* pController)
Assign the controller object to the component.
virtual void SetModel(ModelClass* pModel)
Assign the model object to the component.
Cast the component to a viewport.
Cast the component to a model.
Cast the component to a controller.
virtual bool QueryGuid(REFGUID guid, void **ppvObj)
Cast object to a pointer type given a GUID.
Add a reference to this object.
Release a reference to this object.