CMouseEvent Class
class CMouseEvent: public CWinEventBase
This class encapsulates a Windows mouse event. The LONG parameter of the Windows message contains the point at which the mouse event occurred. The function GetPoint decodes the LONG parameter and returns it as a POINT. The WORD parameter contains flags indicating if certain virtual keys are down. The TestFlags method can be used to test the flags with the following masks -MK_CONTROL Set if the CTRL key is down. MK_LBUTTON Set if the left mouse button is down. MK_MBUTTON Set if the middle mouse button is down. MK_RBUTTON Set if the right mouse button is down. MK_SHIFT Set if the SHIFT key is down.
Defined in: MouseEvent.h
Class Members
inline CMouseEvent(const UINT nMessageID, const WPARAM wParam = 0, const LPARAM lParam = 0L)
Construct a mouse event from a message ID, WPARAM, and LPARAM.
inline virtual bool Dispatch(IQueryGuid* pIListener)
Dispatches the event to the given event listener.
inline virtual void GetPoint(POINT& pt)
Return the point at which the mouse event occurred.
inline virtual void SetPoint(const POINT& pt)
Set the point at which the mouse event occurred.
inline virtual bool TestFlags(const UINT nMask)
Test to see if certain virtual keys were pressed during the mouse event.