CFindDialogImpl Class
class CFindDialogImpl
This class encapsulates the standard FindDialog.CFindDialogImpl includes the following member functions OnFinalMessage. Create, GetNotifier, GetFindString, SearchDown, FindNext, MatchCase, and MatchWholeWord,
Defined in: CommonDialogs.h
Class Template Arguments
The ultimately-derived class
Class Members
virtual void OnFinalMessage(HWND hWnd)
Final message handler
HWND Create( LPCTSTR lpszFindWhat, DWORD dwFlags = FR_DOWN, HWND hWndParent = NULL)
Create the find dialog
static _Derived* PASCAL GetNotifier(LPARAM lParam)
Get notification class. Called while handling FINDMSGSTRING message
LPCTSTR GetFindString() const
Get the string being searched for.
BOOL SearchDown() const
Searching down or up
BOOL FindNext() const
Find the next item.
BOOL MatchCase() const
Match case
BOOL MatchWholeWord() const
Match whole word
BOOL IsTerminating() const
Is the dialog terminating
void PrepareCreation( DWORD dwFlags, HWND hWndParent = NULL )
Prepare the dialog box for creation