SRGToolTipCtrl Class

class SRGToolTipCtrl

This class is a simple derived class of MFC CToolTipCtrl class. It overcomes the drawback of CToolTipCtrl class so that it works with child control inside a dialog box without overlay event. It adds in the automatic subclassing capability of the ToolTip common control into the this class.

Defined in: SRGWzDisplay.h

Class Members

virtual BOOL AddRectTool(CWnd* pWnd, LPCTSTR lpszTool, LPCRECT lpRect, SEC_UINT nIDTool)

Used the same way as AddTool of CToolTipCtl class

virtual BOOL AddWndTool(CWnd* pWnd, LPCTSTR lpszTool)

Used the same way as AddTool of CToolTipCtl class



virtual ~SRGToolTipCtrl()
