SRGTextPanel Class

class SRGTextPanel: public SRGraphTitle

This class provides a simple multi-line text panel with independently styled title and body fonts.

Defined in: SRGTextPanel.h

Class Members

virtual void  DrawTitleText(const CString& str, const CRect& rc, BOOL bWrapText)

Draws multi-line clipped text for the title portion of the text panel.

virtual void  DrawText(const CString& str, const CRect& rc)

Traws multi-line clipped text for the body text portion of the text panel

virtual CScale  SetComponentFileVersion()

NEW 6.01 The text panel has a new file setting.

virtual void  WriteFontParameters(CStdioFile *file)

Exports font parameters to the template file

virtual void  WriteName(CStdioFile *file)

Writes the "textpanel" command name to the template file


Default constructor

virtual  ~SRGTextPanel()


virtual void  Serialize(CArchive &ampar)

Serializes this object

enum _TitleOrientation

Specifies the location of text within the panel

inline virtual CString  GetTitleText(int code = 1)

Returns the title text

inline virtual void  SetTitleOrientation(_TitleOrientation n)

Sets the orientation of the title -- top, left, bottom or right

inline virtual _TitleOrientation  GetTitleOrientation()

Returns the current title orientation

inline virtual void  SetTitleTextColor(COLORREF c)

Sets the color of the title text

inline virtual void  SetBodyTextColor(COLORREF c)

Sets the color of the body text

inline virtual COLORREF  GetTitleTextColor()

Returns the color of the title text

inline virtual COLORREF  GetBodyTextColor()

Returns the color of the body text

inline virtual SRGraphStyle *  GetTitleStyle()

Returns a pointer to the style object associated with the title bar

virtual void  Draw(CDC *pDC,CWnd *pCWnd)

Draws this object

virtual void  UpdateTitleFont()

Refreshes the title font

virtual CRect  CalcTitleRect()

Calculates the rectangle required to display the title

virtual void  SetBodyText(CString s,int code=1)

Sets the text displayed in the body panel

virtual CString  GetBodyText(int code = 1)

Returns the text displayed in the body panel

virtual void  SetTitleText(CString s,int code=1)

Sets the text displayed in the title panel

inline virtual void  SetBodyFontSize(int n)

Sets the size of the font used to display the body text

inline virtual int  GetBodyFontSize()

Returns the size of the font used to display the body text

inline virtual void  SetTitleFontSize(int n)

Sets the size of the font used to display the title text

inline virtual int  GetTitleFontSize()

Returns the size of the font used to display the title text

inline virtual void  SetBodyFontStyle(int n)

Sets the style of the font used to display the body text

inline virtual int  GetBodyFontStyle()

Returns the style of the font used to display the body text

inline virtual void  SetTitleFontStyle(int n)

Sets the style of the font used to display the title text

inline virtual int  GetTitleFontStyle()

Returns the style of the font used to display the title text

virtual int  CalcFontAutoSize()

Calculates font size for the text panel body if the text style includes CX_FONT_AUTOSIZE

inline virtual void  SetBodyFontFaceName(CString strFaceName)

Sets the typeface name for the body text

inline virtual CString  GetBodyFontFaceName()

Returns the typeface name of the body text

inline virtual void  SetTitleFontFaceName(CString strFaceName)

Sets the typeface name for the title text

inline virtual CString  GetTitleFontFaceName()

Returns the typeface name of the title text

inline virtual BOOL  GetUseTitle()

Returns TRUE if the title is to be used

inline virtual void  SetUseTitle(BOOL b)

Set TRUE if the title is to be used

inline virtual void  SetResize(BOOL b=TRUE)

Set TRUE if the body text panel is to be resizable

inline virtual BOOL  GetResize()

Returns TRUE if the body text panel is resizable

virtual SRGraphRect  CalcFinalRect(CDC *pDC,CWnd *pCWnd)

Returns actual, resized component rectangle -- can be called outside of draw cycle

inline SRGraphRect  GetFinalRect()

Returns actual, resized component rectangle determined by previous call to Draw() or CalcFinalRect()

virtual void  GetParentContent()

Overidden to do nothing

inline virtual void SetTitleFontJustification(int v)

initializes font justification for the title panel

inline virtual int GetTitleFontJustification()

returns font justification for the title panel

inline virtual void SetBodyFontJustification(int v)

initializes font justification for the body panel

inline virtual int GetBodyFontJustification()

returns font justification for the body panel

int  m_nBodyFontJustification

Justification of body text

int  m_nTitleFontJustification

Justification of title text

CRect  m_BGRect

Background rectangle

CRect  m_RefRect

Rectangle used as a comparison reference

SRGraphStyle  m_TitleStyle

Style parameters for the title panel

CRect  m_TitleRect

Rectangle used to draw the title

BOOL  m_bSizeForeground

Set to TRUE when the foreground is being sized

COLORREF  m_BodyTextColor

RGB color of body text

COLORREF  m_TitleTextColor

RGB color of title text

int  m_nEscapement

Escapement angle for text

CFont  m_TitleFont

Font for title text

SRGraphAnnotationList  m_TitleText

Annotation list for title text

SRGraphAnnotationList  m_BodyText

Annotation list for body text

CRect  m_TextRect

Text area rectangle

BOOL  m_bUseTitle

Flag to use title

BOOL  m_bResize

Automatic resizing flag

SRGraphRect  m_FinalRect

The final, resized component rectangle in device independent coordinates

int  m_nTitleFontSize

Size of font for title text

int  m_nBodyFontSize

Size of font for body text

int  m_nTitleFontStyle

Font style for title text

int  m_nBodyFontStyle

Fong style for body text

CString  m_strTitleFontFaceName

Font facename for title text

CString  m_strBodyFontFaceName

Font facename for body text

virtual void  DrawFill()

Draws the fill of the title rectangle

virtual void  DrawForeground()

Draws the text panel foreground