SRGraphTitle Class

class SRGraphTitle: public SRGraphComponent

Title manager derived from  SRGraphComponent

Defined in: SRGraphTitle.h

Class Members

protected data members

int  m_nJustification

Type of text justification to use

CString  m_strTitle

Title text

CFont  m_Font

Font in which to display text


Color of the text

BOOL  MakeFont

Semaphore which signifies that a font has been set or that an existing font needs updating

int  m_nSize

Font size -- negative numbers set sizes in pixels, positive numbers set sizes in points

int  m_nStyle

Style of font

CString  m_strFaceName

Font typeface

BOOL  m_bUseOwnText

Flags display of internal text (SetText) or parent's text (GetParentText)

Protected member functions

LOGFONT *  m_pLogFont

A pointer to an optional LOGFONT that will define the font

virtual void  DrawForeground()

Draws the text

virtual BOOL  UpdateFont()

Keeps font data current

virtual void  GetParentContent()

Retrieves pertinent data from the parent

public member functions

virtual int  GetLineCount(LPCTSTR lpszText)

Get the number of lines of the text string separated by '\\n'

virtual int  ComputeLineBreaks( LPCTSTR text, int nCount, LPRECT rc, BOOL bWrapText, int* LineBreaks, int* LineLengths, int nMaxBreaks)

Searches the text for new line characters ('\\r' or "\\r\\n") and computes where lines should be broken (word wrap) to fit the text in the specified rectangle

virtual void  DrawText(LPCTSTR lpText, LPRECT lpRect)

Draw multiple lines of text vertically centered at the rectangle area

virtual void  DrawText(const CString& str, const CRect& rc)

Draw multiple lines of text vertically centered at the rectangle area

virtual void  DrawText(const CString &ampstr, const CRect &amprc, BOOL bWrapText)

Draw multiple lines of text vertically centered at the rectangle area optionally wrapping text

inline void  SetUseOwnText(BOOL b)

Flag to decide if this component use parent's title text or its own

inline BOOL  GetUseOwnText()

Get the flag about whether to use its own text or from the parent graph

virtual void  SetLogFont(LOGFONT * v)

Initializes the font using the supplied LOGFONT

inline LOGFONT *  GetLogFont()

Returns a pointer to the LOGFONT stored in this object

virtual int  CalcFontAutoSize()

Calculates the font size based on 90% of the title panel height

virtual void  SetMakeFont(BOOL make=TRUE)

Sets or resets the MakeFont semaphore

virtual CSize  GetTextDimension(LPCTSTR text)

Returns logical size of text

virtual CSize  GetTextDimension(LPCTSTR text, BOOL bWrapText, int nWrapWidth=0)

Returns logical size of text with optional wordwrap



inline void  SetFontSize(int Size)

Sets the point or pixel size of the current font

inline void  SetFontStyle(int style)

Sets the style of the font (ie. bold, underline, etc.)

inline void  SetJustification(int Justification)

Sets the font justification to left (0), right (1) or centered (2)

int  GetFontSize()

Fetches the font size data

inline int  GetFontStyle()

Fetches the font style data

inline int  GetJustification()

Fetches the font justification

virtual COLORREF  GetTextColor()

Fetches the RGB color used to display text

inline CString&  GetText()

Returns the title text itself

inline CFont*  GetFont()

Fetches a pointer to the m_Font (CFont) object from this component

virtual void  SetFaceName(CString& FaceName)

Sets the typeface name (ie. "Times New Roman")

virtual CString&  GetFaceName()

Fetches the type face name currently in use

virtual int  ReadTemplateLine(LPCTSTR line)

Reads and parses a chart template line

virtual void  WriteName(CStdioFile* file)

Writes the name "title" to the template file

virtual void  WriteFontParameters(CStdioFile* file)

Outputs the current font details to the template file

virtual void  Serialize(CArchive &ampar)

Stores or retrieves information about the title via a CArchive

virtual  ~SRGraphTitle()

Destructor -- ensures that no GDI objects remain

virtual BOOL  SetFont(int nSize,int nStyle,CString FaceName)

Sets font size, style, and typeface

virtual void  SetText(LPCTSTR text,int justification=0)

Modifies the contents of the text

virtual void  SetTextColor(COLORREF color)

Sets the color of text displayed to an RGB value