inline voidSRGraphStyle::SetUseMaxScale(BOOLstyle, BOOLstyle)
Initializes the semaphore for use of maximum scale values
Defined in: SRGDat.h
Return Value
TRUE to use maximum scales
TRUE to turn the scale limiting on
When set, the display object which owns this style object will use the maximum and minimum scales stored in the m_dMaxRangeY and m_dMinRangeY members.For display components, the effect depends on the ScaleLimit flag.
If SetScaleLimit(FALSE) and SetUseMaxScale(FALSE), axes are scaled to fit the data values (full autoscaling).
If SetScaleLimit(FALSE) and SetUseMaxScale(TRUE), the axis limits are fixed (no autoscaling).
If SetScaleLimit(TRUE) and SetUseMaxScale(FALSE), axes are autoscaled but the specified range is not exceeded (autoscaling with maximum limits).
If SetScaleLimit(TRUE) and SetUseMaxScale(TRUE), the data range is expanded, if necessary, to the specified limits (autoscaling with minimum limits).
Autoscaling with minimum limits can be used to avoid the problematic situation which occurs when all the data values have the same value.
See also...
Feature masks , GetScaleLimit, SetUseMaxScale, m_dwStyleA
Feature masks , SRGraphDisplay::GetMaxRangeY, SRGraphDisplay::GetMinRangeY, m_dwStyleA
Developer Notes
For Pie graphs, SetUseMaxScale(TRUE) and SetMinRangeX(dMin) can be used to prevent small wedges (smaller than dMin) from being labeled. If dMin is a negative number between 0 and -100, -dMin sets the limit as a percentage of the total pie.