DWORD SRGraphPosition::m_dwFlagsSet of bitwise flags which communicate information to and from this class
CX_POSITION_MASK Zx0000000f Bitmask for separating the position code
CX_POSITION_SINGLE Zx00000001 Position is for a single component -- m_pSubject points to an SRGraphComponent
CX_POSITION_LIST Zx00000002 For a list of components, m_pSubject points to a CPtrList containing multiple SRGraphComponent pointers
CX_POSITION_VALUEY Zx00000010 The Y value is known.
CX_POSITION_VALUEX Zx00000020 The X value is known.
CX_POSITION_GROUP Zx00000040 The group is known. CX_POSITION_INDEX Zx00000080 The index is known.
CX_POSITION_SELECT_H Zx00000000 Selection is horizontal (classic).
CX_POSITION_SELECT_V Zx00010000 Selection is vertical (yx).
CX_POSITION_SELECT_B Zx00020000 Selection is both (x,y scatter).
CX_POSITION_SELECT_C Zx00030000 Selection is circular (webs).