Why is the message "Automatic Linking with gx###.lib" frequently shown up (for every .cpp file).
The reason that this message is frequently shown could be that you have not included "gxall.h" in your stdafx.h file but in some other file or if you have turned off precompiled headers for some reason.
If you want to enable the precompiled header feature, you should change the C/C++ settings for your project. Choose Build|Settings and switch to the C/C++ page. Select "Precompiled headers" as Category.
Select "Use precompiled header (.PCH) file" and enter "stdafx.h" in the line below.
Next, select the file stdafx.cpp in the "Settings For" hierarchy list in change its settings to "Create precompiled header (.PCH) file" and enter "stdafx.h" in the line below.
If you do not want to use precompiled headers, you might turn the message of by specifying _GXNOMSG in your projects C/C++ settings (see next FAQ).