How to place a record-info beam in the lower pane of a static splitter window

Do this in your MDIChildWnd's OnCreateClient:

BOOL CRecordStatusMDIChildWnd::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext)
   m_pWndSplitter = new CSplitterWnd;
    m_pWndSplitter->CreateStatic(this, 2, 1);
    // creates the tabwnd object
    if (!m_pWndSplitter->CreateView(0, 0,
       RUNTIME_CLASS(CEditView), CSize(0, (lpcs->cy / 2)  
       ), // SPLIT_BORDERS),
       TRACE("Failed to create pane\n");
       return FALSE;
    if (!m_pWndSplitter->CreateView(1, 0,
       RUNTIME_CLASS(CGXRecordInfoWnd), CSize(0, (lpcs->cy / 2)  
       ), // SPLIT_BORDERS),
       TRACE("Failed to create pane\n");
       return FALSE;

   m_pWndRecordInfo = (CGXRecordInfoWnd*) m_pWndSplitter->GetPane(1, 0);
   return m_pWndRecordInfo->Create(m_pWndSplitter, pContext, WS_CHILD|WS_HSCROLL|WS_VSCROLL);

Note that you have to create a CGXRecordInfoWnd class for the lower pane. The CGXRecordInfoSplitterWnd class is itself a dynamic splitter window and does not cooperate well when embedded into another splitter window.