How can I use CGXPrintDevice with scroll views or other views not derived from CGXView?

You have to copy the following declarations and their implementations from GXView.cpp/.h to your CSrollView-derived class:

// Attributes
   BOOL    m_bOwnPD;
   CGXPrintDevice* m_pPD;
   // Printer Settings
   CGXPrintDevice* GetPrintDevice();
   void    SetPrintDevice(CGXPrintDevice* pPD, BOOL bMustDelete = TRUE);
   // Printing support
   virtual void    OnModifiedPrintDevice();
   int             DoPrintDialog(CPrintDialog* pPD);
   BOOL            DoPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo);
   virtual BOOL    OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo);
   void            UpdatePrinterDevice(CGXPrintDevice* pd);

Next, you can initialize the settings in your OnInitialUpdate routine with

   if (GetPrintDevice() == NULL:)
   CGXPrintDevice* pDevice = new CGXPrintDevice( );
      // Ensure that device info is existent
      pDevice->NeedDeviceHandles( );
      // Now, you can get the device info
      LPDEVNAMES pDevNames;
      DWORD cbSizeDevNames;
      LPDEVMODE pDevMode;
      DWORD cbSizeDevMode;
      pd->GetDeviceInfo(pDevNames, cbSizeDevNames, pDevMode, cbSizeDevMode);
      // Now, you can change this structure
      // as documented in the Win31 SDK 
      // and later call CreateDeviceHandles to apply the changes.
      pd->CreateDeviceHandles(pDevNames, cbSizeDevNames, pDevMode,
      delete pDevMode;
      delete pDevNames;