How can I change the default printer settings?

You need to get the device structures from the CGXPrintDevice object:

   CGXPrintDevice* pDevice = GetPrintDevice( );
   if (pDevice)
      // Ensure that device info is existent
      pDevice->NeedDeviceHandles( );
      // Now, you can get the device info
      LPDEVNAMES pDevNames;
      DWORD cbSizeDevNames;
      LPDEVMODE pDevMode;
      DWORD cbSizeDevMode;
      pd->GetDeviceInfo(pDevNames, cbSizeDevNames, pDevMode, cbSizeDevMode);
      // Now, you can change this structure
      // as documented in the Win31 SDK 
      // and later call CreateDeviceHandles to apply the changes.
      pd->CreateDeviceHandles(pDevNames, cbSizeDevNames, pDevMode, cbSizeDevMode);
      delete pDevMode;
      delete pDevNames;