Another approach for using covered cells as a recurring pattern (e.g. covered cells are the same for each row).
// As the covered cells are the same for each row,
// I suggest creating one array of ROWCOLS
// It is like a pattern (very similar to the "quicken-like
// rows" FAQ.
ROWCOL awCoverCols[] = {
// start, end
2, 10,
12, 20,
22, 30,
32, 40,
42, 50,
52, 60,
62, 70,
72, 85,
0, 0 // end of list
CGXRange* C1stGridView::GetCoveredCellsRowCol(ROWCOL nRow, ROWCOL nCol, CGXRange& range)
if (nRow > 0)
// if (nRow > 0 && nRow % 2 == 0) // apply pattern to every second row only
// (just for testing here)
for (int n = 0; awCoverCols[n] > 0; n+=2)
if (nCol >= awCoverCols[n] && nCol <= awCoverCols[n+1])
range.SetCells(nRow, awCoverCols[n], nRow, awCoverCols[n+1]);
return ⦥
// normal cell, not covered:
return NULL;
void C1stGridView::MergeCoveredCells(CGXRange& area)
if (area.bottom > 0)
// if (area.GetHeight() > 1 || % 2 == 0 && > 0)
// // apply pattern to every second row only
// (just for testing here)
for (int n = 0; awCoverCols[n] > 0; n+=2)
if (area.left >= awCoverCols[n] && area.left <= awCoverCols[n+1])
area.left = awCoverCols[n];
if (area.right >= awCoverCols[n] && area.right <= awCoverCols[n+1])
area.right = awCoverCols[n+1];