I can't get more than 32 items to work correctly in  CGXCheckListComboBox. This is this because of the fact that you are using a bitmapped integer( 32 bit long) to pass the choices around. How can I get around this?

There are many alternatives when you subclass CGXCheckListComboBox. Here are two solutions we found very convenient:

Subclass CGXCheckListComboBox and store the checked state in a hash table that you attach to the style object through SetItemDataPtr.

Subclass CGXCheckListComboBox and store each choice list entry separated by a comma as value in the cell.

Solution a: Subclass CGXCheckListComboBox and store the checked state in a hash table that you attach to the style object through SetItemDataPtr..

//.h file
//CMyCheckListComboBox control
class CMyCheckListComboBox : public CGXCheckListComboBox
   CMyCheckListComboBox(CGXGridCore* pGrid, UINT nEditID = 0, UINT nListBoxID = 0);
   // Overridden these methods 
   virtual void OnStoreDroppedList(CListBox* lbox);
   virtual void OnFillDroppedList(CListBox* lbox);
//.cpp file
#include <afxtempl.h> //include this for CMap template defenition
CMyCheckListComboBox::CMyCheckListComboBox(CGXGridCore* pGrid, UINT nEditID, UINT nListBoxID)
   : CGXCheckListComboBox(pGrid, nEditID, nListBoxID)
void CMyCheckListComboBox::OnStoreDroppedList(CListBox* lbox)
   CGXStyle style = Grid()->LookupStyleRowCol(m_nRow, m_nCol);
   CGXCheckListComboLBox* checklbox = (CGXCheckListComboLBox*) lbox;
   //This is the CMap template that you should attach to the style object through SetItemDataPtr
   CMap<int,int, BOOL,BOOL> *myMap;
   myMap = (CMap<int, int, BOOL, BOOL>*)style.GetItemDataPtr();
   if(myMap == NULL)
      myMap = new CMap<int, int, BOOL, BOOL>;
   // Save the selection
   // enable choices
   //Clean up the existing map before you store the new value into it
   for (int n = 0; n < m_nCount; n++)
      if (checklbox->GetCheck(n) == 1)
void CMyCheckListComboBox::OnFillDroppedList(CListBox* lbox)
   const CGXStyle& style = Grid()->LookupStyleRowCol(m_nRow, m_nCol);
   CGXCheckListComboLBox* checklbox = (CGXCheckListComboLBox*) lbox;
   CMap<int,int, BOOL,BOOL> *myMap;
   myMap = (CMap<int, int, BOOL, BOOL>*)style.GetItemDataPtr();
   //You should have attached a CMap template of type CMap<int,int, BOOL,BOOL> to the style
   // fill with Choices
   if (style.GetIncludeChoiceList())
      CString s = style.GetChoiceListRef();
      CString sItem;
      // skip first entry in choice list because this is the text to be displayed in the cell
      int n = GXGetNextLine(s, sItem);
      m_nCount = 0;
      while (!s.IsEmpty() && n != -1)
         n = GXGetNextLine(s, sItem);
   // enable choices
   if (myMap)
      BOOL b=FALSE;
      for (int n = 0; n < m_nCount; n++)
         checklbox->SetCheck(n, b);

Register your control:

      new CMyCheckListComboBox(this, 9000,9001/*random id*/)); 

Set the control in the cell like this:

LPCTSTR szMultiChoiceList =
               _T("Click Me\n")
      CMap<int,int, BOOL,BOOL> *myMap = new CMap<int,int, BOOL,BOOL>;

This will check the item "Two".(list is 0 based).

You can retrieve the checked state of the control using:

CGXStyle style = LookupStyleRowCol(m_nRow, m_nCol);
CMap<int,int, BOOL,BOOL> *myMap = style.GetItemDataPtr();
if(myMap->Lookup(1,b) && b)
TRACE("Item 1 is checked");

Solution b: Subclass CGXCheckListComboBox and store each choice list entry separated by a comma as value in the cell.

Override OnFillDroppedList and OnStoreDroppedList as follows:

void CMyCheckListComboBox::OnFillDroppedList(CListBox* lbox)
   const CGXStyle& style = Grid()->LookupStyleRowCol(m_nRow, m_nCol);
   CGXCheckListComboLBox* checklbox = (CGXCheckListComboLBox*) lbox;
   // fill with Choices
   if (style.GetIncludeChoiceList())
      CString s = style.GetChoiceListRef();
      CString sItem;
      // skip first entry in choice list because this is the text to be displayed in the cell
      int n = GXGetNextLine(s, sItem);
      m_nCount = 0;
      while (!s.IsEmpty() && n != -1)
         n = GXGetNextLine(s, sItem);
   // enable choices
   if (style.GetIncludeValue())
      CString s = style.GetValueRef();
      int n = 0;
      CString sItem;
      while (!s.IsEmpty() && n != -1)
         n = GXGetNextLine(s, sItem);
         checklbox->SetCheck(_ttoi(sItem), TRUE);
void CMyCheckListComboBox::OnStoreDroppedList(CListBox* lbox)
   CGXCheckListComboLBox* checklbox = (CGXCheckListComboLBox*) lbox;
   // Save the selection
   // enable choices
   CString sValue;
   TCHAR sz[20];

   for (int n = 0; n < m_nCount; n++)
      if (checklbox->GetCheck(n) == 1)
         wsprintf(sz, _T("%d\n"), n);
         sValue += sz;
   Grid()->SetValueRange(CGXRange(m_nRow, m_nCol), sValue);

Register your control:

      new CMyCheckListComboBox(this, 9000,9001/*random id*/)); 

Set the control in the cell like this:


This will check the item "Two" and "Four".

You can retrieve the checked state of the by looping through the value (with GXGetNextLine). This will return all checked items.