Click or drag to resize
RowColTracking Enumeration
Options defining the behaviour of columns and rows when the end-user resizes them.

Namespace: Stingray.Grid
Assembly: Stingray.GridControl (in Stingray.GridControl.dll) Version:
public enum RowColTracking
  Member nameValueDescription
Disable0 Tracking is disabled.
All1 All rows or columns are resized to the same size.
Individual2 Rows or columns may have different sizes.
ExHitTest4 Rows or columns are tracked anywhere in the grid, and not only in the header areas.
NotHeader8 Rows or columns are not tracked in the header areas.
NoPressedHeader16 Headers are not displayed as pressed while the user is dragging the mouse.
NoMarkTrackLine32 The grid line for the row or column to be resized is not outlined.
NoInvertLine64 No line indicating the new row or column size is drawn while the user is dragging the mouse.
SmoothHeader128 Headers are redrawn with the new size while the user is dragging the mouse.
SmoothCells256 The grid is redrawn with the new size while the user is dragging the mouse.
Default178 The default tracking mode (Individual|SmoothHeader|NoPressedHeader|NoMarkTrackLine).
Note that these options can be combined using the bitwise OR operation.
See Also