After installing the Stingray Namespace Extension Wizard, you can start Visual Studio IDE and run the Namespace Extension Wizard to create a skeleton namespace project. A namespace extension must be an in-proc server; therefore, you must select create DLL as server type in the first page of the ATL COM AppWizard of Visual Studio. After the ATL COM AppWizard is done, use the Insert|New ATL Object menu or context menu to add our namespace object into the project.
When the wizard page shows up, choose Stingray Category, select the namespace extension object, and then click Next. The property sheet in the next step contains three pages; one of the pages is our custom namespace extension page. Give your namespace extension object a name in the Names page, then select proper attributes for the namespace extension attributes. The only attribute required is the Apartment model attribute; all other selections are optional. On the Namespace page, there are several options to choose from. The meaning of each of the options is explained in Section 25.4.
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