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Objective Toolkit User's Guide
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23.7 Layout Manager Examples

The following examples demonstrate integration of the Layout Manager. For more information, see the Layout demo provided with Objective Toolkit. All examples assume you have added the layout factory to your class header, as described in Section 23.6.1, "Adding Layout Management to Your Applications." The code in the examples is to be inserted in the appropriate initialization handler (OnCreate(), OnInitDialog(), OnInitialUpdate()).

23.7.1 Scale Layout in a Dialog

23.7.2 Relative Layout in a Dialog

23.7.3 Grid Layout, Alignment Layout and Splitter in a Formview

Both SECLNScale and SECLNGrid are derived from a common class—SECLayoutNode.

23.7.4 To specify min/max sizes for layout nodes

Call the SetMinMaxSize() method on the node. For example:

23.7.5 To implement a custom layout manager

  1. Derive a class from SECLayoutNode.

  2. Override the OnRecalcLayout() method. A node's parent calls this method whenever a size/position recalculation is required.

  3. In your override, reposition your custom node's children as you see fit, issuing a call to RecalcLayout() on each node. Any of the provided layout algorithms can be used as a model for this customization.

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