You can use the WM_SYSCOMMANDEX message in your CView class to allow the CView to modify its docking state programmatically. The CView sends this message to its current parent frame. The following code sends a message to the view's parent frame.
using namespace nsSysCommandEx; ScxInfo si(GetParentFrame()->m_hWnd); si.m_dw[0]=SCXID_DOCKRIGHT; GetParentFrame()->SendMessage(WM_SYSCOMMANDEX, SCX_NEWFRAME,(LPARAM)si); |
The following SCXID parameters are available and defined in <stingray-installdir>\Include\Toolkit\syscmdex.h.
SCXID parameter | Description |
SCXID_MDICHILD | Float the view as an MDI child. |
SCXID_MINMDICHILD | Minimize the view as an MDI child. |
SCXID_MAXMDICHILD | Maximize the view as an MDI child. |
SCXID_RESTOREDMDICHILD | Restore the view as an MDI child. |
SCXID_DOCKED | Dock the view in the next docking position on the main frame. |
SCXID_DOCKLEFT | Dock the view on the left side of the main frame. |
SCXID_DOCKTOP | Dock the view on the top of the main frame. |
SCXID_DOCKRIGHT | Dock the view on the right side of the main frame. |
SCXID_DOCKBOTTOM | Dock the view on the bottom of the main frame. |
SCXID_FLOATING | Float the view outside the main frame. |
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