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Objective Toolkit User's Guide
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14.4 Tree Control Data Structures

The SECTreeCtrl and SECTreeView classes utilize the same data structures used by the CTreeCtrl class. The use of these data structures does not promote object-oriented programming. However, they are compatible with CTreeCtrl.

14.4.1 TV_ITEM

The TV_ITEM structure retrieves or specifies the attributes of a tree view item. It is defined as follows:

For a complete description of the members of this structure, refer to the MSDN documentation for TV_ITEM or TVITEM, which is identical to TV_ITEM, but follows current naming conventions.


The NM_TREEVIEW structure is used within the tree control message notification mechanism. It contains information about a specific tree view notification message. A pointer to this data structure is included as a parameter accompanying the WM_NOTIFY message. It is defined as follows:

For a complete description of the members of this structure, refer to the MSDN documentation for NM_TREEVIEW or NMTREEVIEW, which is identical to NM_TREEVIEW, but follows current naming conventions.


This structure contains information for determining the location of a point relative to a tree view control. It is defined as follows:

This structure is used as an optional parameter of the HitTest() method. For more information about the members of this structure, refer to the MSDN documentation for TV_HITTESTINFO or TVHITTESTINFO, which is identical to TV_HITTESTINFO, but follows current naming conventions. Refer to the documentation for SEC_TREECLASS::HitTest() in the Objective Toolkit Class Reference.

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