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Objective Toolkit User's Guide
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1.1 Welcome to Objective Toolkit

Objective Toolkit is a set of MFC extension classes that enhance your current Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Class programs. Objective Toolkit provides support for a variety of graphical user interface controls, views, and utilities. You can extend its object-oriented classes quickly and easily.

Unlike other C++ class libraries, Objective Toolkit classes are completely compatible with the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) classes. The Objective Toolkit classes work seamlessly with the MFC classes and, in many cases, inherit from existing classes such as CView or CWnd.

Objective Toolkit is fully compatible with the latest 32-bit and 64-bit releases of Microsoft Visual Studio (see Section 1.3, "Supported Platforms.").

Objective Toolkit components enable you to dedicate your efforts to creating a viable application, instead of modifying the GUI, by providing you with extension classes for common user-interface features.

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