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8.3 DbQuery - Step 2

8.3.1 Modify the View's Menu Resource

This step adds new menu items for Record|Delete Records and Record|Requery and removes the Window|New Window menu item.

  1. Open the DbQuery project resources (DbQuery.rc).

    (To open resources in Visual Studio, select View|Resource View. Right click on DbQuery.rc and select Properties.)

    Figure 98: Visual Studio Resource View

  2. Expand Menu in the resource tree and double-click IDR_DBQUERTYPE.

  3. The IDR_DBQUERTYPE menu resource appears in a resource edit view.

    Figure 99: Visual Studio resource editor view

  4. Click View in the menu resource.

  5. Right click and select <Insert New>.

    A blank menu item is inserted.

  6. Right click on the newly inserted item and select Properties.

  7. Type &Record in the Caption field.

  8. Press Enter.

    Figure 100: Record Menu Item Properties dialog - Visual Studio

  9. Double-click the empty menu item under Record in the menu resource edit view.

    Figure 101: Record Menu Item

  10. Provide a unique ID (ID_RECORD_DELETERECORDS) to the menu item.

  11. Type &Delete Records in the Caption field and Delete selected records\nDelete Records for the Prompt.

  12. Press Enter.

    Figure 102: Delete Records Menu Item Properties dialog - Visual Studio

  13. Click on the empty menu item under Record in the menu resource edit view.

  14. Right click and select Insert New.

  15. Double click the newly inserted item.

  16. Provide a unique ID (ID_RECORD_REQUERY) to the menu item.

  17. Type &Requery in the Caption field and Requery result set.\nRequery for the Prompt.

  18. Press Enter.

    Figure 103: Requery Menu Item Properties dialog - Visual Studio

    Figure 104: New Record menu items

  19. Click Window in the menu resource.

    The Window menu opens.

  20. Click New Window.

  21. Press <Delete> to remove this menu item.

  22. Close and save the resource file.

8.3.2 Map the DbQuery Menu Messages

  1. Select Class View from the View menu.

  2. Select CDbQueryView for the Class name.

  3. Right click CDbQueryView and select Properties.

  4. Click the Events icon, then expand ID_RECORD_REQUERY.

  5. Double-click the COMMAND field and pull down the combo box.

  6. Select <Add> OnRecordRequery from the drop down list.

    The source file is opened in the editor and the OnRecordRequery() function is added.

  7. Similarly, add an update handler for the menu item.

    Figure 105: Adding the Requery menu handler

  8. Replace the following methods in DbQueryView.cpp:

  9. Search for the message map declaration in DbQueryView.cpp.

  10. Add the following menu handlers for the Delete menu item:

    The completed message map should look like this:

8.3.3 Compile and Run DbQuery - Step 2

Now, you can compile the application and run it.

Figure 106: DbQuery-Step 2 in action

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