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Objective Grid User's Guide
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5.3 Controls

5.3.1 Registration and Usage of Controls

You need to register new controls in the grid object (with CGXGridCore::RegisterControl) before using them as cell controls. You do this using a string resource identifier at run time. The name of the registered control will be displayed in the list box of the Controls page in the pre-built CGXStyleSheet dialog. It is not necessary to register existing Objective Grid controls. They are registered by the control factory as needed.

Follow these steps to register a control:

  1. Add a string resource using Visual Studio Resource View by opening the string table in the resource file and adding your custom string resource. Your .RC - file will change accordingly:

             IDS_CTRL_BITMAP        "Welcome bitmap"
  2. In OnInitialUpdate(), pass a new instance of the object as well as the string resource ID to RegisterControl().

      void CGridSampleView::OnInitialUpdate()
            new CGXBitmapButton(this, IDB_WELCOME));

    If you are registering a control derived from an existing Objective Grid control, you should check the control factory code for creation information. Some built-in controls simply need to be constructed while others require additional steps. The control creation code is in the CGXControlFactory::CreateControl() method in gxfactry.cpp.

      // Snippet from gxfactry.cpp.  This code demonstrates
      // the steps necessary when creating an instance of 
      // CGXMaskControl
          CGXMaskControl* pEditCtrl = 
                  new CGXMaskControl(pGrid, GX_IDS_CTRL_MASKEDIT);
          pControl = pEditCtrl;
      // In contrast, here's the code necessary to create an
      // instance of CGXEditControl
      case GX_IDS_CTRL_EDIT:
          // default edit box
          pControl = new CGXEditControl(pGrid, GX_IDS_CTRL_EDIT);
  3. Now, apply the control to any cell in the grid with CGXStyle::SetControl().

      // Display the welcome bitmap 
      SetStyleRange(CGXRange(3, 2), CGXStyle()

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