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Objective Grid User's Guide
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5.11 Undo and Redo

Objective Grid provides a powerful mechanism that lets the end user undo and redo a series of commands. Objective Grid maintains Undo information for all previous commands in an Undo list and Redo information for all previously undone commands in a Redo list. The number of commands or Undo stack size can be specified in the parameter object.

The end user can undo and redo commands with the Edit|Undo and Edit|Redo menu commands and their associated shortcuts. This mechanism is automatically provided by Objective Grid. No additional programming is required to enable this feature.

As you populate your grid, Objective Grid may be generating and maintaining Undo information which allows these actions to be undone by the user. Generating and maintaining this Undo information can be time consuming. If you do not want your user to be able to undo the work you are doing to populate the grid, then you should disable the grid Undo mechanism. To do so, call GetParam()->EnableUndo(FALSE); before the code you use to populate the grid. If you want the enable the grid's Undo support after you grid has been populated, call GetParam()-> EnableUndo(TRUE); after your grid has been populated.

5.11.1 CGXGridCore - Undo/Redo interface

The CGXGridCore class provides the following methods for undoing and redoing commands.


5.11.2 Transaction-Like Blocks of Commands

There are situations where you would like the user to be able to abort, undo or redo several changes in the grid with one Undo or Redo command. For example, if the user executed a "Replace All" command and later wants to undo this command, all resulting changes should be undone at once.

The key is calling BeginTrans() before the series of commands and CommitTrans() when the series is finished.

5.11.3 Long Operations

In Windows programming, it is good practice to update the end user with the progress of particularly long commands. Additionally, you should give the end user the option to abort or even rollback the entire operation.

The CGXLongOperation class implements a mechanism exactly for this purpose and goes one step further. CGXLongOperation allows you to implement this mechanism in any method. It also ensures that when an operation is executed in a short amount of time, no further overhead is added. CGXLongOperation starts only after a delay after a specified amount of time has passed. If the operation completes before the wait time is over, no indication will be given to the end user.

CGXLongOperation also maintains an operation level as a static class variable. Every time you create a CGXLongOperation object in your code, the operation level will be increased. If the destructor for the object is called, the operation level will be decreased. This makes it possible to nest operations.

The following example explains how you can use CGXLongOperation in your application:

You can call this method from another method:

You can change the number of ticks (amount of time) necessary before NeedMessages() will return TRUE by calling the static CGXLongOperation member functions SetTicksFirstTime() and SetTicksContinued().

If you pass LONG_MAX to SetTicksFirstTime(), the CGXLongOperation mechanism will be completely disabled.

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