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Objective Grid User's Guide
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26.1 Introduction

Objective Grid provides two implementations for Grid-Excel interaction:

  1. Reading and writing of Microsoft Excel files to the Stingray Objective Grid class library.

    This feature is enabled with ExcelReadWrite option in Grid Build Wizard. This approach works with BIFF 8 format of Excel files and does not work with Unicode.

  2. Excel Automation for integration with Grid.

    This implementation is independent from the Excel read/write option and, unlike that option, also supports Unicode.

    WARNING: To use this option, ensure that the Excel read/write option is unchecked in the Grid Build Wizard.

    In addition, it works with the newest versions of Excel, implements more cell formats, and can be easily extended to support even additional formats. Further, run-time data exchange between Grid and Excel is supported. Note that this approach requires that you have Excel installed on your system.

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