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Objective Grid User's Guide
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22.2 Extensions

22.2.1 Formatters for Objective Grid Components

In order to participate in the XML Serialization Architecture we provide pre-built formatters corresponding to each and every data component in Objective Grid. For example, CGXGridParamFTR and CGXStyleFTR will allow you to serialize CGXGridParam and CGXStyle objects, respectively.

22.2.2 Tag Names for Data Components

To facilitate internationalization, the pre-defined tag names corresponding to each data component are stored in a separate resource file and will be automatically included in your build. All the formatters allow you to optionally specify a custom tag name in their constructors.

22.2.3 Selective Linking via Build-Wizard

For optimal library size, Objective Grid's build-wizard allows you to include or ignore this feature when you build the Objective Grid libraries.

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