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Objective Grid User's Guide
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15.5 Extending the Undo/Redo Mechanism

The Objective Grid Undo/Redo mechanism is fully extensible. You can add custom support for Undo/Redo using self-written commands.

The CGXCommand class is an abstract base class for storing Undo information for commands. If you want to support Undo/Redo for your commands, you should derive a class from CGXCommand and store all information necessary for undoing the operation into the command.

Objective Grid maintains CGXCommand objects in an Undo and Redo list. When the user wants to undo the last operation, Objective Grid removes the first CGXCommand object in the list and calls the object's Execute() method. In your CGXCommand-derived class, you should override the Execute() method and embed the necessary steps to undo the command.

Basic steps for adding Undo/Redo support for a specific command are:

  1. Derive a class from CGXCommand.


  3. Provide a constructor.

  4. Override the Execute() method.

  5. In your command method, create the CGXCommand-derived object and add it to the Undo/Redo list. This is done by calling AddCommand().

Here is a complete example:

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