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Objective Grid User's Guide
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12.1 Advanced Design Overview Introduction

The Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) framework has become the de facto standard for Microsoft Windows development worldwide. While MFC contains more than 200 classes it does not cover every aspect of Windows development. For many specific applications programmers must write their own solutions or use third party developed controls. Many of these controls are sold without source code as binary black boxes. MFC extension DLLs rectify this by offering users the same kind of extensibility and functionality that has made MFC a great and ubiquitous product. It is against this back drop that the design goals for Objective Grid are set. These are listed in brief below:

  1. The grid component should be extensible.

  2. The grid component should integrate closely with the MFC framework. In other words, do not reinvent the wheel. Make the Objective Grid classes a seamless extension of MFC.

  3. The grid component should be resource sensitive. Allow users to pick and choose which functionality should be included in their project.

  4. The product should have all the features that a grid component should have to be successful in the grid market.

Some of the goals listed above were achieved in the early releases. Others were achieved much later. This document does not cover the chronology of this process but rather lists the means that were used. Reading this chapter is not essential to using Objective Grid, nor is it a prerequisite to building a great product with Objective Grid. But it does give an insight into the product that cannot be gleaned from the other documentation or even from browsing the source.

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