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Objective Grid User's Guide
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11.1 Troubleshooting

This section discusses build problems while building the grid libraries.

When I try to build the ODBC/ADO libraries it reports that it cannot find some libraries?

You will have to build the corresponding grid core libraries before you attempt to build the odbc/ado libraries.

I get an error saying that "gxall.h" is not found.

This usually happens when the Visual Studio environment wizard is not properly set up to compile the grid. You can run the environment wizard (enwiz32.eze) that ships with the grid to correct this. You will have to restart Developer Studio after running the environment wizard for the changes to take effect.

Why does a grid initialized using SubclassDlgItem not show up in a dialog?

The "Class Name" in your Custom Control's Properties dialog should be GXWND and not the C++ class name of your subclass. Also, check for GXInit and see if resources are included. Look for any TRACE messages. Dialog creation could have failed due to other reasons (not caused by the grid).

The grid never shows up in release mode. In debug mode, it ASSERTS inside the grid code when it tries to load a resource.

You probably forgot to call GXInit() in your application's InitInstance(). In addition, do not forget to include the grid resources depending on your build configuration.

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