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Objective Grid User's Guide
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1.2 Product Features

Objective Grid provides Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) developers with a feature-rich grid control, implemented as a complete MFC class extension library. A grid control is a user interface component that displays data in rows and columns.

Unlike other grid controls, Objective Grid has been built from the ground up with MFC compatibility as a major goal. The Objective Grid classes fit seamlessly with MFC, and inherit from existing MFC classes such as CView or CWnd in many cases. Objective Grid is fully compatible with MFC*.

* Compatibility with MFC Feature Pack has been partially implemented. Please see GridExReadme.pdf and Stingray Feature Pack Migration.pdf for details.

Objective Grid is compatible with the latest 32-bit and 64-bit releases of Visual Studio, and ability to use it in C++/CLI is provided.

When used as a view, Objective Grid fits seamlessly into the MFC document/view framework. Objective Grid can also be used as a window, enabling the user to embed grid controls in other windows, such as dialogs and pop-ups. In C++/CLI program, Objective Grid can be used with WinForm directly or wrapped into a .NET control usable in any .NET language, such as C# or VB.NET.

Objective Grid includes the following features:

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