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Stingray Studio Getting Started Guide
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3.6 Samples

The following diagram shows a portion of the Samples directory organization.

Note that samples that are specific to a given subsystem are below the appropriate subsystem directory.

3.6.1 Location of Sample Code

Stingray Studio ships the most basic and commonly used samples with the product itself. The less commonly used and more specialized samples have been removed from the product distribution, but are available from the Rogue Wave Web site or by request from Technical Support.

If you are looking for a sample and it does not appear under <stingray-installdir>\Samples\<product-name>\<sample-name>, you can download the sample bundle from the Knowledge Base on the Rogue Wave web site at

The self-extracting archive, Stingray Studio Additional Samples.exe, contains a text file listing all samples in the archive. The archive includes older samples that are easy to update to work with the latest release of Stingray, but that do not ship with the release.

To update samples for later Stingray Studio releases:

If the sample you are looking for is not shipped with the product or in this archive, you can submit a request to Technical Support.

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