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29.2 Web Sites

NOTE: All Web links were correct when this book was created. We cannot promise that the owners of linked files will continue to provide them. If a link is broken when you follow it, please try a search engine.
Hall, Martin et al. Windows Sockets 1.1 Specification, 1992.
The Winsock specification. This is a very readable document. The reference descriptions of the socket calls are the best we have found anywhere.
Hall, Martin et al. A Guide to Windows Sockets.
A guide to what Winsock is, how it came to be, where to find out about it, and more. The best place to start when you want to learn about Winsock. or or
Indexes to a wide range of Internet protocol RFCs (Request For Comments). Possibly more current than some of the other resources listed here.
The RFCs relevant to Tools.h++ Professional are:
POP3: RFC 1225
HTTP 1.0: RFC 1945
FTP: RFC 0959
SMTP: RFC 0821
The OMG web site.
The OMG's "CORBA for Beginners" information. A particularly useful resource if you are new to the subject of CORBA.
Information on Orbix from the IONA Technologies web site.

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