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27.1 Overview

Now that you understand basic CORBA concepts, you are ready to use the orb library. This chapter explains how to do just that.

The chapter starts by showing you how you would pass user-defined objects if you didn't have the orb library. Then it shows you how the orb library simplifies the process with its various components, including:

Along the way, this chapter explains a variety of related issues, including insertion and extraction operators, the CORBA::Request, virtual streams, memory management rules, and non-opaque parameters. And finally, it lists Rogue Wave classes supported by the orb library.

NOTE: Code examples for the orb library are located in the examples directory created for your installation of Tools.h++ Professional. The "Examples" chapter in Part V, "Resources," describes the location of that directory, or you can check the online build guide for your installation media.

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