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2.5 The CORBA Module

This module simplifies CORBA computing by making it easier to pass Rogue Wave and user-defined objects by value across a CORBA interface. The CORBA module consists of the orb library. The orb library implements the streaming of objects by value using the opaque mechanism and the Orbix ORB of IONA TechnologiesLimited.

The orb library allows you to:

2.5.1 The orb Library: CORBA Streaming with Orbix

The orb library allows you to pass objects by value over a CORBA interface using the Tools.h++ virtual streams. It lets you avoid custom marshaling and unmarshaling of objects. The orb library specifically uses the Orbix ORB of Iona Technologies Limited and its opaque mechanism.

NOTE: To use the orb library, you must purchase IONA Technologies' Orbix, which is not included in Tools.h++ Professional.

With the opaque mechanism, objects are passed by value across a CORBA interface as Orbix opaque types. Turning your existing classes into opaque types requires a single line of C++ code.

For more information on the orb library, please see Part IV, "CORBA Module."

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