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2.3 The Java/C++ Interoperability Module

Tools.h++ Professional supplies a powerful approach to Java/C++ interoperability using jtools, a foundation class library that features a Java implementation of the Tools.h++ virtual streams. With jtools, you can leverage your existing C++ code by making your Java applications "speak Tools.h++." Java applications built with jtools can exchange data and objects with any C++ application that uses the Tools.h++ virtual streams.

NOTE: At the current release, the jtools components support only one virtual stream format: portable ASCII streams, or pstreams.

To facilitate this communication, jtools uses Streamers, small helper objects that handle the Java/C++ mappings. To get you started quickly, jtools includes a set of prebuilt Streamer classes that map Java core library classes to classes in Tools.h++. When you need added flexibility, follow the simple step-by-step instructions in this manual to create alternative mappings, or mappings for your own classes.

In addition to streamers, jtools includes eleven persistable Java collection classes, which provide for iteration using the java.util.Enumeration interface. The components of jtools also include classes that facilitate formatted output, and the regular expression class, RegExp, which can be used to find and replace patterns in target strings and string buffers.

For more information on the jtools library, please see Part II, "Java/C++ Interoperability Module."

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