Here's a diagram that shows the parts of the net library that are available in this release of Tools.h++ Professional, as well as some that could be added later. Those whose names appear in dark gray are not available in this version; they are included in the diagram so that you can get an idea of the architecture of the library. The faint diagrams inside the module boxes illustrate class relationships within and between the modules.
Here is more information about some of the modules in the net library:
The Iostreams Communication Service Module lets you program portal input/output using the C++ iostreams classes. This allows you to use stream insertion and extraction operators to send objects through a communications channel. Using the Rogue Wave virtual streams available in Tools.h++, you can even send complicated data structures and preserve their morphology (pointer relationships).
Berkeley Socket Adapter
The Berkeley Socket Adapter classes provide a vastly simplified, type-safe interface to the Berkeley sockets API. The adapter is designed for maximum efficiency, so that you gain the power of a C++ interface without losing performance. If you are already familiar with sockets, this adapter will be especially simple to use. It uses familiar type names and functions, but with a much simpler C++ interface. The socket adapter's kickdown functionality gives you continuing access to your legacy C sockets code.
Socket Address Module
The Socket Address Module is a framework of classes for representing socket addresses. In this release of Tools.h++ Professional, the only address family supported is Internet Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) addresses. The net library's open architecture allows you to add your own address families.
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