Networking Tools: Thread-hot Internet Classes (int library)
#include <rw/toolpro/util.h>
A set of global functions that make it easier to work with strings and text.
thr, net, int, tls (and possibly std)
RWCString rwFtpAddrToString(const RWInetAddr& addr);
Returns an RWInetAddr in RWCString format.
RWInetAddr rwFtpStringToAddr(RWCString addrString);
Returns an addrString in RWInetAddr format.
RWCString rwNormalizeLine(RWCString text);
Returns the normalized text by removing <cr><lf> characters embedded in an RWCString.
RWCString rwAddPeriods(RWCString line);
Finds a leading period or a period following any newline character and doubles any such period. This is a convenience function that prepares strings before they are sent via SMTP protocol.
RWCString rwRemovePeriods(RWCString line);
Finds a leading double period or a double period following any newline character and removes one of any such pair. This is a convenience function that you can use to undo the encoding used by POP3 servers.
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