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Networking Tools: Network Communication Classes (net library)

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)

Data Types

Member Functions


#include <rw/toolpro/netbuf.h>
RWNetBuf netBuf;

Required Libraries

net, tls (and possibly std)


An RWNetBuf is a network communication buffer class. A network communication buffer is a buffer of bytes of data and associated flags that indicate the state of the buffer. An RWNetBuf should not be confused with a TLI netbuf (TLI is the Unix System U network communication interface).

Public Constructors

RWNetBuf(const RWCString& buf, State state=normal);

Public Enums

enum State {
            normal=1,        // Nothing special
            eof=0            // End of file

Public Member Operators

operator RWBoolean() const;
operator RWCString() const;

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