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The exception hierarchies for the Tools.h++ Professional C++ and Java exceptions are shown below.

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)


C++ Exceptions

Java Exceptions

Exception Descriptions

RWInetHostNotFound: no internet port with given service name

RWInetServiceNotFound: no internet port with given service name

RWIProtocolAgentErr: a protocol error occurred with one of the agent classes

RWIProtocolClientCmdSequenceErr: the protocol command was sent out of sequence

RWIProtocolClientErr: the protocol command failed

RWIReplyErr: the RWIReply is not ready to handle the method you called

RWIReplySyntaxErr: the server has sent a reply which is not appropriate to the current state of the interaction

RWNetAlreadyRegistered: another address factory already registered

RWNetCant[Send,Recv]: can't send/receive data from channel

RWNetInvalidSocket: tried to use an invalid socket

RWNetNoChannel: there is no underlying communications channel

RWNetNoFactoryRegistered: no factory has been registered for this family

RWNetNoSuchBlockingHook: specified an invalid blocking hook ID

RWNetSelectException: select returned an exceptional condition

RWNetWinsockInitErr: problem initializing the Winsock DLL

RWSockBadAddressFormat: tried to input an address I cannot understand

RWSockErr: error thrown by the socket wrapper

RWSockTypeChange: tried to bind/connect with address of wrong family

RWSockWrongAddressType: tried to convert to wrong address type

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