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A.4 For the C++ Standard Library

dequeval - This program demonstrates how to use the Standard C++ Library-based template class, RWTValDeque. Numbers are separated into evens and odds as they are placed into the deque. Using Standard C++ Library iterators and algorithms as well as some of the familiar Rogue Wave member functions, the odd and even numbers are switched.

After invoking dequeval, the user is prompted to enter a sequence of carriage return separated integers. The user indicates completion by entering the end of file character. The results are then displayed.

mmapptr - demonstrates the Standard C++ Library-based version of RWTPtrMultiMap. Standard C++ Library iterators and Rogue Wave member functions are combined to find the number of Ivans in a multimap of names and birthdays. When found, their birthdays and order of discovery are displayed. mmapptr is non-interactive.

exregexp - demonstrates the extended regular expression class, RWCRExpr. A global search and replace of city names is performed using these powerful regular expressions. Then a miniature lexical scanner is built to recognize numerical constants and valid identifiers within a pair of C++ assignment statements.

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