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A.1 For All Users

bintree - demonstrates the Smalltalk-like collection class, RWBinaryTree, by retrieving a collection of strings from the disk. The user may then modify and redisplay the strings in that collection.

After reading in strings from the disk, bintree presents the results by doing an in-order traversal of the tree and displaying each string visited. The user may then insert, delete, and search for strings. The resulting tree may be displayed again by selecting list. Exit terminates the program.

btreedsk - demonstrates how to use RWBTreeOnDisk with RWFileManager to create a file of names associated with birthdays, on disk.

The user is prompted to supply the name of a file to store birthdays in. If that file exists, btreedsk tries to read any existing birthdays from it. The user may then insert new name/birthday associations and delete, list, clear, or find them. When the user exits, the resulting name/birthday associations are stored in the indicated file.

bus - This example declares, defines, and uses a class Bus to demonstrate how RWCollectable enables you to custom design persistable collections. The Rogue Wave stream classes, RWpostream, RWpistream, RWbostream, and RWbistream are used separately to persist and restore the resulting bus collection.

cstring - shows off the power of the RWCstring and RWCSubString classes. The user is prompted to enter a word. With the user supplied word and several internal strings, cstring demonstrates several features of the Rogue Wave string classes, including substring assignment and searching.

fmgrsave & fmgrrtrv - These programs demonstrate the use of RWFileManager by saving and retrieving data to and from a disk file. fmgrsave stores a series of integers into the file linklist.dat. fmgrrtrv retrieves the data and displays it.

After invoking fmgrsave, users enter a series of carriage return separated integers. Input is terminated by an end of file character or erroneous input. fmgrrtrv is non-interactive, and simply displays the integers entered with fmgrsave.

gdlist - uses the generic classes RWGDlist and RWGDlistIterator to create, traverse, and change an ordered collection of integers. gdlist does not require any input from the user.

hashdict - demonstrates how to use RWHashDictionary. RWCollectableStrings are associated with RWCollectableInts in a hash dictionary. The strings act as keys for looking up integers.

The user is prompted to enter key/value pairs into an empty hash dictionary. Keys can be searched for, entries can be deleted, and the entire collection can be listed.

i18n - Rogue Wave's Tools.h++ internationalization suite-----RWLocale, RWZoneSimple, RWZone, RWLocaleSnapshot, even RWTime and RWDate-----are put into action in this example. Times, dates, and money values are converted between different locales and displayed. All the user is required to do is to enter a date in the German date format.

pageheap - This program allocates 100 pages of space from the disk using RWDiskPageHeap. These pages are traversed by walking the heap. The purpose of the example is to demonstrate how RWDiskPageHeap can be used to manage disk space.

timedate - performs various format conversions and manipulations of time and date quantities using RWTime and RWDate. The user is prompted to supply valid dates in a variety of formats; timedate then redisplays the user supplied date in mm/dd/yy format. The user may enter the end of file character when finished exploring date formats; timedate then processes various time values without further user intervention.

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