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1.5 Using This Manual

1.5.1 Assumptions

This manual is an introduction to using Threads.h++. It assumes that you are familiar with basic C++ programming and object-oriented design practices. If you need more background on the underlying technology for one of the packages, refer to the bibliography in Appendix C.

In addition, this manual assumes that you have done the following:

1.5.2 Organization

The Threads.h++ User's Guide and the Threads.h++ Class Reference contain complete information on Threads.h++. This User's Guide is organized as follows:

1.5.3 Terminology and Notation

The notation system used in the hierarchy diagrams is the standard Unified Modeling Language (UML). Following that convention, abstract classes are shown in italic. See any UML guide for more information.

1.5.4 Examples

The scope and completeness of some examples in this guide are limited to insure readability and satisfy size constraints. For this reason, you should also review the example programs distributed with Threads.h++. The examples in the foundation package chapters are taken directly from the example programs. Whenever this is true, the source file appears in parentheses before the code sample. See the workspace directory table in the Build Guide for the exact location of the examples for your build.

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