Base Class
#include <rw/sync/RWTReadGuardBase.h>
RWTReadGuardBase<Resource> is intended as a base class for guard classes that support read access to a given section of code. Guard objects work in conjunction with block statements in such a way as to establish an appropriate state upon creation, maintain that state for the duration of the block, and restore the original state upon destruction. For example, a guard may acquire a mutex for reading upon creation and release it when destructed. The class used as the actual template parameter for Resource must be one that provides acquireRead and release methods such as the synchronization classes provided by the library.
void acquire(void);
Acquires read access on the resource held by the guard unless it is already acquired. Use this function instead of directly manipulating the resource so that the guard will automatically release or acquire it (as appropriate).
RWBoolean isAcquired(void) const;
Returns true if the resource is currently acquired.
void release(void);
Releases the resource held by the guard if it has been acquired. Use this function instead of directly manipulating the resource so that the guard will automatically release or acquire it (as appropriate).
RWTReadGuardBase(Resource& resource);
Constructs an instance with the given resource.
RWTReadGuardBase(const RWTReadGuardBase<Resource>& second);
Dummy copy constructor, required by derived class copy constructors. The copy constructor does not attempt to copy the resource.
Resource& resource(void) const;
Returns a reference to the resource currently held by the guard.
RWTReadLockGuardBase<Resource>, RWTReadLockGuard<Resource>, RWTTryReadLockGuard<Resource>, RWTReadUnlockGuard<Resource>
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