RWTraceOstreamClientImp RWTraceEventClientImp RWReference
#include <rw/trace/RWTraceOstreamClientImp.h>
RWTraceOstreamClientImp is the implementation (body) for RWTraceOstreamClient.
RWTraceOstreamClientImp(ostream& ostr);
Constructor that takes an output stream.
Default constructor. Sets the output stream to cerr.
static RWTraceEventClient make(ostream& ostr);
Creates a new RWTraceOstreamClientImp instance that will output to the specified ostream. If no ostream is specified, uses cerr by default.
ostream& getOstream() const;
Returns the output stream for trace events.
virtual void doTrace(const RWTraceEvent& ev);
Sends trace events to the output stream.
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