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RWTPCValBufferBaseGuarded<Type,GuardAndPriorityDecorator> RWTPCValBufferBaseGuardedPrioritized<Type,GuardAndPriorityDecorator> RWTPCValBufferBasePrioritized<Type,GuardAndPriorityDecorator>

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)

Member Functions


Interthread Communication

Header File

#include <rw/itc/RWTPCValBufferBaseGuardedPrioritized.h> 


RWTPCValBufferBaseGuardedPrioritized<...> is the base class for the family of classes that provide buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics exchanging guarded and prioritized values between cooperating threads.

In the producer-consumer synchronization model, reader threads (consumers) are blocked while a buffer is empty, and writer threads (producers) are blocked while a buffer is full. A buffer is considered full when the number of unread entries equals or exceeds some user-specified maximum capacity.

The write operations provided by this class and its subclasses bind additional data items to each value prior to storing that value in an internal buffer. These additional data items, or decorations, include a guard functor instance and a priority value. The guard functor is used during read operations to determine whether the associated value is currently eligible for retrieval from the buffer. The priority value is used during write operations to determine a value's insertion point within the buffer, such that the set of unread values will be retrieved in priority order when eventually read from the buffer. The template parameter GuardAndPriorityDecorator identifies the class that is used to encapsulate the data value, guard functor, and priority value as a single object for storage in the internal buffer. The decorator class used by subclasses to instantiate this class is intended for the internal use of the library, and is not documented as part of the public interface.

Public Destructor


Inherited Functions

The following superclass functions have been redeclared or redefined to allow them to be overloaded within in this class:

RWBoolean    tryWrite(const Type& value);
void         write(const Type& value);
RWWaitStatus write(const Type& value,
                   unsigned long milliseconds);
RWBoolean    tryWrite(const Type& value, 
                      const RWTFunctorR0<RWBoolean>& guard);
void         write(const Type& value, 
                   const RWTFunctorR0<RWBoolean>& guard);
RWWaitStatus write(const Type& value, 
                   const RWTFunctorR0<RWBoolean>& guard,
                   unsigned long milliseconds);
RWBoolean    tryWrite(long priority, const Type& value);
void         write(long priority, const Type& value);
RWWaitStatus write(long priority, const Type& value, 
                   unsigned long milliseconds);

Public Member Functions

tryWrite(long priority, const Type& value,
         const RWTFunctorR0<RWBoolean>& guard);
write(long priority, const Type& value,
      const RWTFunctorR0<RWBoolean>& guard);
write(long priority, const Type& value,
      const RWTFunctorR0<RWBoolean>& guard,
      unsigned long milliseconds);

See Also

RWTPCValBufferBaseGuarded<Type,GuardDecorator>, RWTPCValBufferBasePrioritized<Type,PriorityDecorator>, RWTPCValQueueGuardedPrioritized<Type>, RWTPCValStackGuardedPrioritized<Type>

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