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Interthread Communication

Header File

#include <rw/itc/RWTPCPtrStack.h> 


RWTPCPtrStack<Type> is a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging pointer values between cooperating threads.

In the producer-consumer synchronization model, reader threads (consumers) are blocked while the stack is empty, and writer threads (producers) are blocked while the stack is full. A buffer is considered full when the number of unread entries equals or exceeds some user-specified maximum capacity.


See RWTPCValQueue<Type> for a producer-consumer example.

Public Constructor

RWTPCPtrStack(size_t maxCapacity=0, RWBoolean isOpen=TRUE);

See Also

RWTPCPtrBufferBase<Type>, RWTPCPtrQueue<Type>, RWTPCValStack<Type>

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