RWTCounter<Mutex> RWTCountingBody<Mutex> RWTMonitor<Mutex>
#include <rw/pointer/RWTCounter.h>
The counter type used by RWTCountingPointer class.
Constructs a static instance (does not initialize the reference count). Throws no exceptions.
RWTCounter(const RWTCounter<Mutex>& second);
Defines copy constructor, which creates a new instance and initializes the reference count. It doesn't actually copy anything, but allows derived classes to provide a meaningful copy constructor. Throws no exceptions.
RWTCounter(unsigned initCount = 0);
Constructs a default instance (initializes the reference count). Throws no exceptions.
RWTCounter<Mutex>& operator=(const RWTCounter<Mutex>& second);
Defines an assignment operator, which simply returns a reference to self. It doesn't actually assign anything nor modify the reference count, but allows derived classes to provide a meaningful assignment operator. Throws no exceptions.
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