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2.1 Introduction

This section contains a brief summary of each Threads.h++ package, including a diagram of the class hierarchy and an index of its classes and global functions and macros. For complete information about each package, see the Threads.h++ User's Guide.

2.1.1 General Notes

The hierarchy diagrams in this section use UML notation. See any UML guide for more information. Accordingly, abstract classes appear in italics in these diagrams.

Many Threads.h++ classes use the handle-body idiom, in which body classes are identified by the suffix Imp. See the Threads.h++ User's Guide for more information about using the handle-body idiom.

2.1.2 Compatibility with Previous Versions of Threads.h++

The names of many template classes and global functions and macros have been changed since Threads.h++ 1.4. Although the old names are still supported, we recommend that you use the new names when coding your applications. If you choose to do so, you can refuse support for the old names by defining the RW_DISABLE_DEPRECATED macro when compiling your applications.

Please see Appendix A in the Threads.h++ User's Guide for complete information about compatibility with previous versions of Threads.h++.

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