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7.1 Solaris Environment Identification

Under Solaris v2.6 and v7, Threads.h++ may be configured only to use the native Solaris threads and POSIX APIs; Transarc's DCE implementation is not yet available.

7.1.1 Solaris Operating System Identification

Threads.h++ assumes that it is being built for a Solaris environment if it finds the __SUNPRO_CC macro defined. Threads.h++ only supports the SunPro C++ compiler in this environment.

7.1.2 SunPro C++ Compiler Identification

The Threads.h++ uses the __SUNPRO_CC macro to identify a compiler as SunPro compiler and to determine the version of that compiler. Threads.h++ recognizes and supports SunPro C++ v4.2.0 (patch # 104631-07) under Solaris v2.6. Threads.h++ also recognizes and supports SparcWorks C++ v5.0.0 (patch # 107311-07) under both Solaris v2.6 and Solaris v7. To use a newer version of the compiler, you may need to modify the defs.h file to define the attributes of the new version. For Software Part Manager installations, this file is located at:


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